Troubleshooting Installation Errors

“Failed to return clean data”

An error similar to the following may be displayed during an installation or update:

          Failed to return clean data

This is a transient error that may affect any of the SecureDrop Workstation VMs. To clear it, run the installation command or update again.

“Temporary failure resolving”

Transient network issues may cause an installation to fail. To work around this, verify that you have a working Internet connection, and re-run the sdw-admin --apply command.

“Unable to reset PCI device”

On some hardware, network devices (Ethernet and Wi-Fi) will not immediately work out of the box and require a one-time manual configuration on install. After Qubes starts for the first time, sys-net will fail to start:


Open a dom0 terminal via Q > Gear Icon (left-hand side) > Other Tools > Xfce Terminal, and run the following command to list the devices connected to the sys-net VM.

qvm-pci ls sys-net

This will return the two devices (Ethernet and WiFi) that are connected to sys-net:

BACKEND:DEVID  DESCRIPTION                                                            USED BY
dom0:00_14.3   Network controller: Intel Corporation                                  sys-net
dom0:00_1f.6   Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V  sys-net

For both device IDs (e.g. dom0:00_1f.6 and dom0:00_14.3), you will need to detach and re-attach the device to sys-net, then restart sys-net as follows:

qvm-pci detach sys-net dom0:00_14.3
qvm-pci detach sys-net dom0:00_1f.6
qvm-pci attach sys-net --persistent --option no-strict-reset=True dom0:00_14.3
qvm-pci attach sys-net --persistent --option no-strict-reset=True dom0:00_1f.6
qvm-start sys-net

sys-net should now start, and network devices will be functional. This change is only required once on first install. See the Qubes documentation of this issue for more information.

Full system freezes

A known issue with some hardware results in Qubes fully freezing. If you encounter this issue, you will need to forcibly restart your computer, usually by holding down the power button.

When you boot up, you will see a black-and-white menu with the following options:

Qubes, with Xen hypervisor
Advanced options for Qubes (with Xen hypervisor)
UEFI Firmware Settings

While Qubes, with Xen hypervisor is selected, press e to edit the option. You should now see a rudimentary edit interface.

Find the line that starts with multiboot2   /xen- and ends with ${xen_rm_opts}. Use the arrow keys to move your cursor to before ${xen_rm_opts} and type cpufreq=xen:hwp=off (leave a space between off and the $.

Press Ctrl-x to continue with booting. This will fix the current boot, we now need to make the fix permanent.

Once Qubes has started and you have logged in, open a dom0 terminal via Q > Gear Icon (left-hand side) > Other Tools > Xfce Terminal and type sudo nano /etc/default/grub to start an editor.

Move your cursor to the bottom of the file and add: GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN_DEFAULT="$GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN_DEFAULT cpufreq=xen:hwp=off"

Press Ctrl-x, then y, and then Enter to save the file.

Finally, in the terminal run sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg. The workaround will now automatically be applied going forwards.

Getting Support

If you have questions about this process or about any other aspect of SecureDrop Workstation, please reach out to us.