Installing SecureDrop Workstation

Copy the submission key

In order to decrypt submissions, your SecureDrop Workstation will need a copy of the secret key from your SecureDrop instance’s SVS. To protect this key and preserve the air gap, you will need to connect the SVS USB to a Qubes VM with no network access, and copy it from there to dom0. Note that you cannot directly copy and paste to the dom0 VM from another VM - instead, follow the steps below to copy the file into dom0:

  • First, use the network manager widget in the upper right panel to disable your network connection. These instructions refer to the vault VM, which has no network access by default, but if the SVS USB is attached to another VM by mistake, this will offer some protection against exfiltration.

  • Next, choose Q > Apps > vault > Thunar File Manager to open the file manager in the vault VM.

  • Connect the SVS USB to a USB port on the Qubes computer, then use the devices widget in the upper right panel to attach it to the vault VM. There will be three entries for the USB in the section titled Data (Block) Devices. Choose the unlabeled entry (not the one labeled “TAILS”) annotated with a sys-usb text that ends with a number, like sys-usb:sdb2. That is the persistent volume.

    Attach TailsData

  • In the the vault file manager, select the persistent volume’s listing in the lower left sidebar. It will be named N GB encrypted, where N is the size of the persistent volume. Enter the SVS persistent volume passphrase to unlock and mount it. When asked if you would like to forget the password immediately or remember it until you logout, choose the option to Forget password immediately.


    You will receive a message that says Failed to open directory “TailsData”. This is normal behavior and will not cause any issues with the subsequent steps.

    Unlock Tailsdata

  • Open a dom0 terminal by opening the Q Menu, selecting the gear icon on the left-hand side, then selecting Other > Xfce Terminal. Once the Terminal window opens, run the following command to list the SVS submission key details, including its fingerprint:

    qvm-run --pass-io vault \
      "gpg --homedir /run/media/user/TailsData/gnupg -K --fingerprint"
  • Next, run the comand:

    qvm-run --pass-io vault \
      "gpg --homedir /run/media/user/TailsData/gnupg --export-secret-keys --armor <SVSFingerprint>" \
      > /tmp/sd-journalist.sec

    where <SVSFingerprint> is the submission key fingerprint, typed as a single unit without whitespace. This will copy the submission key in ASCII format to a temporary file in dom0, /tmp/sd-journalist.sec.

  • Verify the that the file starts with -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- using the command:

    head -n 1 /tmp/sd-journalist.sec
  • In the vault file manager, right-click on the TailsData sidebar entry, then select Unmount and disconnect the SVS USB.

Copy Journalist Interface details

SecureDrop Workstation connects to your SecureDrop instance’s API via the Journalist Interface. In order to do so, it will need the Journalist Interface address and authentication info. As the clipboard from another VM cannot be copied into dom0 directly, follow these steps to copy the file into place:

  • Locate an Admin Workstation or Journalist Workstation USB drive. Both hold the address and authentication info for the Journalist Interface; if you also want to copy the journalist user’s password database, use the Journalist Workstation USB drive.

  • Connect the USB drive to a USB port on the Qubes computer, then use the devices widget in the upper right panel to attach it to the vault VM. There will be 3 listings for the USB in the widget: one for the base USB, one for the Tails partition on the USB, labeled Tails, and a 3rd unlabeled listing, for the persistent volume. Choose the third listing.

  • In the the vault file manager, select the persistent volume’s listing in the lower left sidebar. It will be named `N GB encrypted, where N is the size of the persistent volume. Enter the persistent volume passphrase to unlock and mount it. When prompted, select the option to Forget password immediately.

  • Copy the Journalist Interface configuration file to dom0. If your SecureDrop instance uses v3 onion services, use the following command:

    qvm-run --pass-io vault \
      "cat /run/media/user/TailsData/Persistent/securedrop/install_files/ansible-base/app-journalist.auth_private" \
      > /tmp/journalist.txt
  • Verify that the /tmp/journalist.txt file on dom0 contains valid configuration information using the command cat /tmp/journalist.txt in the dom0 terminal.

  • If you used an Admin Workstation USB drive, or you don’t intend to copy a password database to this workstation, safely disconnect the USB drive now. In the vault file manager, right-click on the TailsData sidebar entry, then select Unmount and disconnect the USB drive.

Copy SecureDrop login credentials

Users of SecureDrop Workstation must enter their username, passphrase and two-factor code to connect with the SecureDrop server. You can manage these passphrases using the KeePassXC password manager in the vault VM. If this laptop will be used by more than one journalist, we recommend that you shut down the vault VM now (using the Qube widget in the upper right panel), skip this section, and use a smartphone password manager instead.

In order to set up KeePassXC for easy use:

  • Add KeePassXC to the application menu by selecting it from the list of available apps in Q > Apps > vault > Settings > Applications and pressing the button labeled > (do not press the button labeled >>, which will add all applications to the menu).

  • Launch KeePassXC via Q > Apps > vault > KeePassXC. When prompted to enable automatic updates, decline. vault is networkless, so the built-in update check will fail; the app will be updated through system updates instead.

  • Close the application.


The Admin Workstation password database contains sensitive credentials not required by journalist users. Make sure to copy the credentials from the Journalist Workstation USB.

In order to copy a journalist’s login credentials:

  • If a Journalist Workstation USB is not currently attached, connect it, attach it to the vault VM, open it in the file manager, and enter its encryption passphrase.

  • Locate the password database. It should be in the Persistent directory, and will typically be named keepassx.kdbx or similar.

  • Open a second vault file manager window (Ctrl + N in the current window) and navigate to the Home directory.

  • Drag and drop the password database to copy it.

  • In the vault file manager, right-click on the TailsData sidebar entry, then select Unmount and disconnect the Journalist Workstation USB. Close this file manager window.

  • In the file manager window that displays the home directory, open the copy you made of the password database by double-clicking it.

  • If the database is passwordless, KeePassXC may display a security warning when opening it. To preserve convenient passwordless access, you can protect the database using a key file, via Database > Database settings > Security > Add additional protection > Add Key File > Generate. This key file has to be selected when you open the database, but KeePassXC will remember the last selection.

  • Inspect each section of the password database to ensure that it contains only the information required by the journalist user to log in.

  • Close the application window and shut down the vault VM (using the Qube widget in the upper right panel).

Download and install SecureDrop Workstation

With the key and configuration available in dom0, you’re ready to set up SecureDrop Workstation:

  • First, re-enable the network connection using the network manager widget.

  • Next, start a terminal in the network-attached work VM, via Q > Apps > work > Xfce Terminal.


As the next steps include commands that must be typed exactly, you may want to open a browser in the work VM, open this documentation there, and copy-and-paste the commands below into your work terminal. Note that due to Qubes’ default security settings you will not be able to paste commands into your dom0 terminal. The work browser can be opened via Q > Apps > work > Firefox

  • In the work terminal, run the following commands to download and add the SecureDrop signing key, which is needed to verify the SecureDrop Workstation package:

    gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-key \
      "2359 E653 8C06 13E6 5295 5E6C 188E DD3B 7B22 E6A3"
    gpg --armor --export 2359E6538C0613E652955E6C188EDD3B7B22E6A3 \
    sudo rpmkeys --import
  • In the work terminal, open a text editor with escalated privileges (for example, with the command sudo nano) and create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/securedrop-temp.repo with the following contents:

    name=SecureDrop Workstation Qubes initial install bootstrap
  • Download the SecureDrop Workstation config package to the curent working directory with the command:

    dnf download securedrop-workstation-dom0-config

    Note the release version number in the filename, you’ll need it below. During the download, you may be prompted to confirm importing the Qubes OS Release 4 Signing Key. You can safely do so; it will not be used during the subsequent steps.

  • Verify the package with the following command:

    rpm -Kv securedrop-workstation-dom0-config-<versionNumber>-1.fc37.noarch.rpm

    where <versionNumber> is the release version number you noted above. The command output should match the following text:

      Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID 7b22e6a3: OK
      Header SHA256 digest: OK
      Header SHA1 digest: OK
      Payload SHA256 digest: OK
      MD5 digest: OK
  • If the package verification was successful, in the dom0 terminal, run the following command to transfer the RPM package to dom0:

    qvm-run --pass-io work \
      "cat /home/user/securedrop-workstation-dom0-config-<versionNumber>-1.fc37.noarch.rpm" \
      > securedrop-workstation.rpm
  • Verify that the RPM was transferred correctly by running the following commands:

    • in the work terminal:

      sha256sum securedrop-workstation-dom0-config-<versionNumber>-1.fc37.noarch.rpm
    • in the dom0 terminal:

      sha256sum securedrop-workstation.rpm

    If the hash output for both files matches, the RPM was transferred successfully.

  • Install the RPM using the following command in the dom0 terminal:

    sudo dnf install securedrop-workstation.rpm

    When prompted, type Y and Enter to install the package.

  • Shut down the work VM using the Qube widget in the top-right panel.

Configure SecureDrop Workstation (estimated wait time: 60-90 minutes)

Before setting up the set of VMs used by SecureDrop Workstation, you must configure the Journalist Interface connection and submission key.

  • To add the submission key, run the following command in the dom0 terminal:

    sudo cp /tmp/sd-journalist.sec /usr/share/securedrop-workstation-dom0-config/
  • Your submission key has a unique fingerprint required for the configuration. Obtain the fingerprint by using this command:

    gpg --with-colons --import-options import-show --dry-run --import /tmp/sd-journalist.sec

    The fingerprint will be on a line that starts with fpr. For example, if the output included the line fpr:::::::::65A1B5FF195B56353CC63DFFCC40EF1228271441:, the fingerprint would be the character sequence 65A1B5FF195B56353CC63DFFCC40EF1228271441.

  • Next, create the SecureDrop Workstation configuration file:

    cd /usr/share/securedrop-workstation-dom0-config
    sudo cp config.json.example config.json
  • The config.json file must be updated with the correct values for your instance. Open it with root privileges in a text editor such as vi or nano and update the following fields’ values:

    • submission_key_fpr: use the value of the submission key fingerprint as displayed above

    • hidserv.hostname: use the hostname of the Journalist Interface, including the .onion TLD

    • hidserv.key: use the private v3 onion service authorization key value

    • environment: use the value prod


You can find the values for the hidserv.* fields in the /tmp/journalist.txt file that you created in dom0 earlier. The file will be formatted as follows:

  • Verify that the configuration is valid using the command below in the dom0 terminal:

    sdw-admin --validate
  • Configure infinite scrollback for your terminal via Edit > Preferences > General > Unlimited scrollback. This helps to ensure that you will be able to review any error output printed to the terminal during the installation.

  • Finally, in the dom0 terminal, run the command:

    sdw-admin --apply

This command will take a considerable amount of time and approximately 4GB of bandwidth, as it sets up multiple VMs and installs supporting packages. When the command finishes, reboot the machine to complete the installation. Your SecureDrop Workstation is finally ready to use!

Test the Workstation

To start the SecureDrop Client, double-click the SecureDrop desktop icon that was set up by the previous command. The preflight updater will start and check for updates. The system should be up-to-date and no updates should be required, but if updates are available follow the instructions in the preflight updater to apply them.

Once the update check is complete, the SecureDrop Client will launch. Log in using an existing journalist account and verify that sources are listed and submissions can be downloaded, decrypted, and viewed.

Enable password copy and paste

If you use KeePassXC in the vault VM to manage login credentials, you can enable the user to copy passwords to the SecureDrop Client using inter-VM copy and paste. While this is relatively safe, we recommend reviewing the section Managing Clipboard Access of this guide, which goes into further detail on the security considerations for inter-VM copy and paste.

The password manager runs in the networkless vault VM, and the SecureDrop Client runs in the sd-app VM. To permit this one-directional clipboard use, issue the following command in dom0:

qvm-tags vault add sd-send-app-clipboard

Confirm that the tag was correctly applied using the ls subcommand:

qvm-tags vault ls

To revoke this configuration change later or correct a typo, you can use the del subcommand, e.g.:

qvm-tags vault del sd-send-app-clipboard